The Dawn of Age for Artificial Intelligence: How it is revolutionizing the tech space?
It’s been 15 years since the introduction of Bitcoin and we came across Blockchain Technology which has managed to revolutionize our world but now we have another one in the form of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence or A.I for short has been around for quite some time but its rise to fame came with the introduction of the 3rd Version of Chat GPT which has taken the whole world by storm. So let’s dive in on this technology and its brief history leading up to today!
What is Artificial Intelligence?
The general idea that comes to people’s mind when the word Artificial Intelligence is probably a scene from the “Terminator” franchise where robots are trying to take over the world. This is true as the conversation on the good and harm this technology can bring has been a highly debatable topic for decades now. Technically every technology has the potential to be a good and bad tool, it just depends on how we as a human use it.
This conversation about A.I exploded due to the rise of fame of ChatGPT which was invented by OpenAI in 2015. It went through many failures throughout the testing of its early system until they landed ChatGPT — 3 which was launched in 2020. What is ChatGPT you may ask? ChatGPT is a search engine like Google but it’s backed by the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence to learn from human inputs and provide better response as more data is collected. It also can think for itself like a real person and solve complex problems in a short period by using the data it has collected.
So what is this technology used by ChatGPT? Artificial Intelligence refers to the method of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or a software think intelligently like the human mind. AI is accomplished by studying the patterns of the human brain and by analyzing the cognitive process. It is as the name suggests an intelligence that is achieved artificially and these studies are then applied to software and systems, giving them the ability to improve as time goes by.
ChatGPT then becomes the first pure form of Artificial Intelligence to which many users can adapt easily and its popularity continues to rise as it becomes the application with the fastest-growing user base in history. It took 2.5 years for Instagram to reach 100 Million Users and ChatGPT did that in less than two months. This speaks volumes in how greatly the users are embracing the technology of Artificial Intelligence and how it can be a powerful tool in the years to come.
There is a lot of conversation about who is the pioneer that invented A.I but a lot of its origins point to the 1950s when a group of scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers started to theorize on how to make the computer think and figure out problems by using codes without any human intervention. One such person in the group is Alan Turing who will then become the father of the modern computer and develop a framework for Modern A.i through his 1950 paper titled “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”
Of course, what limits Alan Turing from further developing the technology is during the 1950s the cost to set up a computer was pretty expensive and there are no prerequisites to store big data. Throughout the 1950s to 1990s, the development of the technology would continue with the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence (DSRPAI) which is considered to be the first event to be held upon A.I was hosted by Marvin Minsky and John McCarthy in 1956. These would then propel Artificial Intelligence to greater improvement as computers get faster through the year and can store more data which will eventually convince government agencies such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to fund AI research at several institutions.
With the tech boom in the 1990s and early 2000, A.I also land some massive achievements such as the IBM Deep Blue program defeating the currency chess champion at that time Gary Kasparov and how Google’s Alpha Go was able to defeat the Chinese Go champion. These achievements proved the potential of Machine Learning and lead us to the Godfather of A.I — Geoffrey Hinton. Geoffrey Hinton is a British Canadian cognitive psychologist that builds upon the research of “Deep Machine Learning” from the 1980s and works on applying it to modern technologies.
Geoffrey Hinton also lectures at the University of Toronto while also working on researching this technology for Google Brain for more than a decade before resigning in early 2023. He is a winner of a Nobel Peace Prize Award and his research throughout the year has been a foundation for modern chatbots including ChatGPT. With the success of ChatGPT, we have already seen other applications of A.I in other inventions such as most notably A.I generated photography which has garnered quite a bit of controversy as of late.
This is what is exciting about Artificial Intelligence as the ability for machines to be able to learn and adapt themselves can be used in any space it needs to be. ChatGPT has been a snippet of what its potential to be but with these inventions and with massive research going on in this space, the future does look bright for this technology. This was further proven by Microsoft’s recent investment into OpenAI of more than $10 Billion and Google’s recent launching of its own ChatGPT competitor in “BING”.
What are some of the impacts of this technology?
The question that is always asked whenever a new invention or technology comes along is how will this impact all of us. One of the major impacts that is a hot topic with A.I will be how this technology could take over most of the jobs done by people and create massive unemployment. This is true in a way as some of the jobs have been replaced by machines and most repetitive or normal white-collar jobs will be at risk if A.I can do what it’s supposed to be.
This is not all bad news if Artificial Intelligence can improve over time, humans who have Real Intelligence should be able to outpace technology if we continue learning. ChatGPT has given us the ability to learn anything and elevate our potential with a simple click of a button, people who can use it will be more advanced in the work hierarchy while those who don’t will be left behind. Technology at the end of the day is like a double-edged sword, you can use it to your advantage or it will be used against you.
One of the highly debated topics about A.I also have concerns surrounding Deepfakes and A.I generated photography in which people can easily impersonate other people’s creation and their identities. This is a major problem currently as with A.I generated photography, it undermines the creativity that is poured in by artists alike which will lead to massive regulation. Impersonation is also a problem as there are many videos of deepfake actor that is unrecognizable from the real artist and could lead to massive problem down the road.
All in All, Artificial Intelligence is a technology that is still in its earliest stage but has managed to grow at a rapid pace. It has drawn a few controversies so much so that even its creators are now speaking against the inventions they created. One of the most important things about A.I right now is how its application and regulation are going to be for years to come to allow the growth of the technology while also assuring that people are adapted to this technology. We will see what this technology has in store for us!
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